Fluxbox and NumLock

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 09:34:28 UTC 2008

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 7:23 PM, Neil Winchurst <barnaby at drofle.com> wrote:
> Knapp wrote:
>>> Thanks for that info. I don't use laptops, but I do realise that there
>>> is no keypad. I didn't know that having numlock on would cause any
>>> problems with a laptop. I expected it to be simply ignored.
>>> Anyway, the problem is sorted. I installed numlockx this morning and
>>> this afternoon, when I logged on using Fluxbox, the numlock light came
>>> on, so it is now working.
>>> Neil
>> There is a keypad and that is the problem. The key pad is over the
>> keys on the right half of the keyboard. Look close at a keyboard and
>> you will see the numbers ghosted next to the normal letters.
>> http://www.notebookforum.at/notebooktest/D620/DellLatitudeD620Bericht_dateien/PicHQ/KeyboardHQ.jpg
> Well, I am certainly learning things today. I have never noticed that
> before. So how do you turn those keys into a keypad equivalent?
> Neil

The answer was posted. I found out because I let my baby pound on my
keyboard for 30 seconds and then when I went to use it, all I got
where numbers on half the board. At first I thought I had trashed my
computer! After a bit of searching (5 min of panic) I finally saw that
little key! I felt sort of dumb for my panic.

Douglas E Knapp


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