Fluxbox and NumLock

David McGlone d.mcglone at att.net
Wed Oct 22 18:32:56 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 22 October 2008 1:23:53 pm Neil Winchurst wrote:
> Knapp wrote:
> >> Thanks for that info. I don't use laptops, but I do realise that there
> >> is no keypad. I didn't know that having numlock on would cause any
> >> problems with a laptop. I expected it to be simply ignored.
> >>
> >> Anyway, the problem is sorted. I installed numlockx this morning and
> >> this afternoon, when I logged on using Fluxbox, the numlock light came
> >> on, so it is now working.
> >>
> >> Neil
> >
> > There is a keypad and that is the problem. The key pad is over the
> > keys on the right half of the keyboard. Look close at a keyboard and
> > you will see the numbers ghosted next to the normal letters.
> > http://www.notebookforum.at/notebooktest/D620/DellLatitudeD620Bericht_dat
> >eien/PicHQ/KeyboardHQ.jpg
> Well, I am certainly learning things today. I have never noticed that
> before. So how do you turn those keys into a keypad equivalent?

The FN key in the lower left is used to activate the keys.

David M.
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