USB HDD and Kubuntu

Luca lucafbb at
Sat Oct 18 09:17:22 UTC 2008

This is becaming a big problem... I'm really not able to use the
HDD... after some seconds it get disconnected!

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Luca <lucafbb at> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've a little problem with my Kubuntu.
> Every time I turn on the laptop and a USB external hard drive is
> connected the GUI asked me to open the disk content.
> One of the last time I did it I also check the command that say
> "always do this for this media".
> The problem now is that very ofter the USD device isn't loaded at all,
> and the only way to reconnect it is to turn off and on the disk
> itself.
> Also (not so ofter) when I begin to access the disk I get disconnected
> by Dolphin.
> Question: I can clear my choice of always open the disk and returning
> to reply to the question every time?!?
> --
> -- luca

-- luca

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