Dual boot Gutsy and Hardy

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 17:19:08 UTC 2008

Neil Winchurst wrote:
> Billie Walsh wrote:
>> Neil Winchurst wrote:
>>> I am running Kubuntu Gutsy at the moment. I now have the alternate 
>>> install CD for Hardy. I have plenty of room on my hard disk (I am using 
>>> under 10% at the moment) so I would like to add Hardy as a second 
>>> distro, with the choice at log-in whether to run Gutsy or Hardy.
>>> I did this in the past with Mandriva and Kubuntu, using Mandriva 
>>> partitioner and it worked well. I am not so sure now that I have Kubuntu 
>>> installed.
>>> I have Googled for dual booting but everyone seems to assume that you 
>>> want to have Linux and Windows. Not so.
>>> Can anyone start me off please? Will this be a simple task using the 
>>> alternate CD?
>>> Thanks
>>> Neil Winchurst
>> Piece of cake. Pop in the install CD and boot the machine. Pick 
>> "Install". When it comes to the partition part of the install use the 
>> manual and set up how you want it done. Let it finish installation. 
>> DONE!!!!  [ OH YEAH, you have to tell it where you want Grub installed. ]
> So where do I install it please?
>> I KNOW your going to get other advice about using gparted, or something, 
>> to partition the disk before you start and all that stuff but I find 
>> that the installer partitioner [ probably gparted ] does just fine.
>> During the Grub installation process it looks at ALL your hard drives 
>> and sets everything up for you. No sweat!
> When I did the aforementioned Kubuntu install (when Mandriva was already 
> installed) it went very well. What I did then was use the Mandriva 
> partion program first to reduce the size of the main partition for 
> Mandriva which left a chunk of HD 'empty'.
> When I then installed Edgy one of the choices was 'Use any empty space 
> on the hard disk' for the new install. I did this and Edgy was installed 
> into the empty part of the HD. When I rebooted at the end I found that 
> the dual boot system was already set up for me, with Edgy as the first 
> choice. Easy.
> I am happy to set up Hardy as a completely separate distro on the HD. I 
> am not expecting to  anything from my current Gutsy set up to be 
> included. Then I can look at Hardy and use it to see if it should become 
> my main distro.
> Thanks for any help
> Neil

you can do a similar install for hardy then.
in gutsy, use a paritioner like gparted and qtparted, and free some
space for hardy, the option to use an empty space in the installer is
still there. and hardy will automagically configure the dual boot for you.

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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