internet connection on Kubuntu Hardy

Thorny thorntreehome at
Tue Oct 14 09:46:35 UTC 2008

On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 14:47:04 -0700, Emanoil Kotsev wrote:
> Did you work on Etch - I spent years, and should disagree with you.

Yes Emanoil, I wrote my comment because I have been in several forums and
lists and newsgroups where people have had trouble with network-manager.
You, yourself stated you had trouble, so what are you disagreeing about?

None of your advice is going to work *after* network-manager has been
purged from the system, which is what the poster stated.

> PS.: this is another argument why developers should focus on making
> kubuntu more stable and user friendly and not look much nicer ... but as I
> said I don't want to discuss this topic over again

Hummmmm! Generally people who don't want to discuss something further just
don't mention it again.

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