Sudden complications with Adept and Synaptic - partly solved

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Mon Oct 13 14:17:10 UTC 2008

Dear Ulrich, dear everybody
> But getting root access via 'sudo' does work?

No, not really! By example the command 'sudo dkgp' delivers the 
following result:

bas at Viaconsensus1:~$ sudo dkgp
[sudo] password for bas: (here I type my password and hit the enter button)

One should expect getting in root now, but this is not the case. I see 
again this at the terminal:
bas at Viaconsensus1:~$

The only way I do manage to get root-access is like this:

bas at Viaconsensus1:~$ su
root at Viaconsensus1:/home/bas#

Some things do work, others not.

> If not, there could be something wrong with the 'sudo'.
You might be right.

> In that case,the sudo-package might have to be reinstalled.

Pls. tell me how. Do I first need to remove the 'old' sudo package?

> BTW: has that strange tty-console problem of yours been solved? The
> problem that no tty shows up after boot up. It would mean two strange
> problems occurring simultaneously, maybe not completely accidental?

May be you're right. But I first need to know how I can CHECK wether 
this tty-console problem has been solved or not.

Ulrich - pls. consult also another message off-list.



Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
E.:  BasRoufs at
M.: +31.6.446.835.10.

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