Sudden complications with Adept and Synaptic - partly solved

Ulrich Grün ulrich.gruen at
Mon Oct 13 14:30:45 UTC 2008

2008/10/13 Bas Roufs <basroufs at>:
> The only way I do manage to get root-access is like this:
> bas at Viaconsensus1:~$ su
> Password:
> root at Viaconsensus1:/home/bas#
> Some things do work, others not.
>> If not, there could be something wrong with the 'sudo'.
> You might be right.
>> In that case, the sudo-package might have to be reinstalled.
> Pls. tell me how. Do I first need to remove the 'old' sudo package?

Gain root access via 'su'. Then:
apt-get remove sudo && apt-get install sudo
(instead of '&&' you could give both commands one after another)

Try this. I will contact you off list for a meeting face to face (yes,
we both live in the same city).

" Can't talk to you without talking to me; we're guilty of the same
old thing. . .
        Thinking a lot about less and less, and forgetting the love we bring "
                                     [R.Hunter, J.Garcia. In: Althea]


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