Kunbuntu HH 8.04 and Virtualbox 2.2 and usb support

Joan Tur joantur at cancullet.org
Sun Oct 12 22:24:20 UTC 2008

Es Diumenge, 12 de Octubre de 2008, en Peter Klaassen va escriure:
| Op Sunday 12 October 2008 21:27:04 schreef Joan Tur:
| > Have you had a look at the FAQ?
| >
| > http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/User_FAQ
| yes and worked that way, but no result
| /proc/bus/usb/ has been made
| quote
| USB on Ubuntu/Gutsy: Ubuntu removed support for /proc/bus/usb/*. We will
| address this issue in the future. Until this, edit the script
| `/etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh and activate the four lines around line 40
| (Magic to make /proc/bus/usb work). Then execute
| /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh start
| >From now on, there should be a directory /proc/bus/usb/ and the device
| > entries
| below should be accessible by any user.
| unquote
| --
| Peter
| Registered Linux user # 458207

There's another suggestion:

"If USB doesn't work, check your usbfs permissions. 
See "Troubleshooting" -> "Linux hosts" in the User Manual for a solution"

You may still try that manual...

Hope that helps  ;)

Joan Tur (aka Quini), Eivissa-Spain
    Jabber: quini2k at jabber.org
  Linux #190.783 - Ubuntu #15.255
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