Beta 8.10 released

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Sat Oct 4 23:41:54 UTC 2008

On Saturday 04 October 2008, claydoh wrote:
> > 1) My left arrow key on the keyboard doesn't work in 4.1.   It works in a
> > console level  session.
> > 2) I have yet to figure out how to configure my nic card.  I usually
> > assign static IP's.  Can't do it.  It does use dhcp ok so I can connect.
> Are you able to access connection settings from clicking the
> knetworkmanager icon on your tray?

Sure....  and I set up a new connection using static IP, gateway, DNS, etc  
like always.   Told it to "Connect and Save".    Nothing changed.  Still 
using the dhcp connection.

I downed eth0 and brought it up again.  No change.

I restarted networking....   no change.

> > 3) Too many things just don't work at all.  Don't even show up.
> Which things?

Would like to leave this one...  as I haven't played with it enough.  I may 
not have loaded some of the pieces I tried to use.  (like Digikam)

> > 4) It's terribly slow.
> I think this is one of the true problem area we have in Intrepid. Many
> people are seeing slower performance, while others are seeing better. Oddly
> my P4-M 2.0ghz laptop w/1gb ram, 32 mb ati mobility graphics feels
> noticeably snappier than KDE3 for me, and that is with kwin effect running
> in Intrepid, no compiz or anything in Hardy.

Using it just as it installed.  Haven't been able to find the desktop setup to 
check settings and maybe turn things down a bit for performance.  But it 
seems to be very slow in bringing up programs, which really shouldn't be 
affected too much by desktop settings.

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