Beta 8.10 released

Michael W. Holdeman chief at
Fri Oct 3 16:14:27 UTC 2008

On Friday 03 October 2008 11:37:48 Ian L. Target wrote:
>  Valter Mura wrote:
> I downloaded a live cd of Kubuntu Intrepid and ran it on boot.
> The system started without big problems. It's not so fast as 3.5.x,
> obviously, <snipped>
>  I realize that my needs as an end user are probably simpler than most - I
> surf (Firefox), mail (TB) and miscellaneous (KOffice/OO).  But even so, I
> am still a little confused.  Is it not  rather Microsoft-ish, this trend of
> getting bigger and bigger and bigger?  Why upgrade if it is going to make
> your system slower?
>  Ian
I have been using 4.1.1 (actually since 4.0 beta) on my 8.04 laptop 
"Production" machine for a long time. While it is still not totally polished 
it has come a long way. My expeirence with the speed has been the oposite, it 
seems a little lighter than 3.5.* to me. 

For clarification I am running it on a Dell D820, 1g. ram, 250g HD, I use FF, 
kontact, virtualbox with a winxp vm for some Fire Department legacy apps, 
Crossover for the apps that will run like quickbooks, etc...  I use bluetooth 
mouse and keyboard, as well as a docking station with a very large monitor 
with high resolution at work. I dont just dilly and play games, thisn is my 
main production platform.
I will be doing a complete reinstall as soon as I am sure my vm's will 
continue to work as I have done an upgrade only since 7.04 and really think 
there might be some better results if I can weed out the old lib's I dont need 

Just my .02

Michael W. Holdeman
Porter Fire Department

Powered by Kubunty Hardy 8.04, KDE-4.1 beta

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