Beta 8.10 released

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Fri Oct 3 17:31:45 UTC 2008

Michael W. Holdeman wrote:
> On Friday 03 October 2008 11:37:48 Ian L. Target wrote:
>>  Valter Mura wrote:
>> I downloaded a live cd of Kubuntu Intrepid and ran it on boot.
>> The system started without big problems. It's not so fast as 3.5.x,
>> obviously, <snipped>
>>  I realize that my needs as an end user are probably simpler than most - I
>> surf (Firefox), mail (TB) and miscellaneous (KOffice/OO).� But even so, I
>> am still a little confused.� Is it not� rather Microsoft-ish, this trend of
>> getting bigger and bigger and bigger?� Why upgrade if it is going to make
>> your system slower?
>>  Ian
> I have been using 4.1.1 (actually since 4.0 beta) on my 8.04 laptop 
> "Production" machine for a long time. While it is still not totally polished 
> it has come a long way. My expeirence with the speed has been the oposite, it 
> seems a little lighter than 3.5.* to me. 
> For clarification I am running it on a Dell D820, 1g. ram, 250g HD, I use FF, 
> kontact, virtualbox with a winxp vm for some Fire Department legacy apps, 
> Crossover for the apps that will run like quickbooks, etc...  I use bluetooth 
> mouse and keyboard, as well as a docking station with a very large monitor 
> with high resolution at work. I dont just dilly and play games, thisn is my 
> main production platform.
> I will be doing a complete reinstall as soon as I am sure my vm's will 
> continue to work as I have done an upgrade only since 7.04 and really think 
> there might be some better results if I can weed out the old lib's I dont need 
> anymore.
> Just my .02
> Mike

ppl complaining about kde4 being slow are most probably using desktop
effects, which are enabled by default in intrepid. these effects slow
the machine very much. i have a 3.0 ghz cpu with hyper threading, 1.5 gb
ram, and an nvidia geforce 7300 with up to 512 mb of video ram, and
still, if i run firefox with 6 tabs ( i always have at least 10 tabs
open, in 2 windows) the computer grinds to a halt. try disabling desktop
effects, and you'll notice how faster interactivity is. but still, there
are many default KDE4 apps that are sluggish, but all is geting better.
remarkably is adept, which is waaay faster now in KDE 4.1.2 .
but as someone mentioned above, i think i'll start trying out GNOME for
a while. KDE will still be my favourite and most used Desktop
environment, but till it gets better in all aspects, i'll take as a sign
to try something new. i'm just waiting for the final release, and i'll
install GNOME.

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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