Some Mounting information seems missing?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Nov 24 20:13:20 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Nils Kassube wrote:
> > Now, to clean up the mess I created on your machine, it would be good
> > if you mount the partition sdb5 via Disk&Filesystems the usual way
> > you are familiar with. Then enter these commands
> >
> > mount
> > ls /media /media/sdb5
> >
> > in a terminal and copy the output to a mail.
> steven at Studio25:~$ ls /media /media/sdb5
> /media:
> cdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  floppy  floppy0  sda1  sda5  sda7  sda8  sdb3 
> sdb5
> /media/sdb5:
> lost+found  steven
> steven at Studio25:~$

OK, that was the output of the ls command. But how about the output of the 
mount command? There seems to be a partition mounted at /media/sdb5 now 
but I'm not sure it is the right one. And that could be clarified with 
the output of mount.

> On this particular page is it normal to not show the primary partitions
> and swap partitions?

On my machine it does show all partitions - I have no idea why you can't 
see them. IIRC, you are using Kubuntu 8.04, don't you?

> Thanks!  Sorry to put you to so much trouble.  Is Enabling the same as
> Mounting?  To get sdb5 alive again showing the /steven folder, I went
> to Disk&Filesystems, highlighted sdb5 in Administrator mode, and
> clicked on enable.  That made /sdb5/steven accessible.  

OK, now I understand how you mount the partition and I had to do some 
experiments to understand what happens. If you use this page and enter a 
mount point for a partition it creates an entry in the file /etc/fstab 
for the partition. Furthermore it creates the mount point directory. If 
you then enable the partition it will be mounted. However it isn't useful 
to go to the administrator mode each time you want to mount the 
partition. Therefore I suggest you go to that page one more time. Select 
the sdb5 partition and clich the "Modify ..." button. For the "Mount 
permission" select "Any user may enable/disable any time" and click "OK". 
That way you don't need administrator mode to mount the partition.

Finally we'll create a shortcut for the partition so you can access it 
more easily. Right click on the empty desktop and select "Create 
New" -> "Link to device" -> "Hard disk device ...". At the "General" tab 
enter a name for the shortcut. At the "Device" tab select the 
device "/dev/sdb5" and click "OK". Now when you want to access the 
partition, just click the shortcut and the disk will be mounted if 
necessary and then it will be opened with Dolphin.


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