Some Mounting information seems missing?
Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at
Mon Nov 24 21:01:58 UTC 2008
Nils Kassube wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Nils Kassube wrote:
>>> Now, to clean up the mess I created on your machine, it would be good
>>> if you mount the partition sdb5 via Disk&Filesystems the usual way
>>> you are familiar with. Then enter these commands
>>> mount
>>> ls /media /media/sdb5
>>> in a terminal and copy the output to a mail.
>> steven at Studio25:~$ ls /media /media/sdb5
>> /media:
>> cdrom cdrom0 cdrom1 floppy floppy0 sda1 sda5 sda7 sda8 sdb3
>> sdb5
>> /media/sdb5:
>> lost+found steven
>> steven at Studio25:~$
> OK, that was the output of the ls command. But how about the output of the
> mount command? There seems to be a partition mounted at /media/sdb5 now
> but I'm not sure it is the right one. And that could be clarified with
> the output of mount.
>> On this particular page is it normal to not show the primary partitions
>> and swap partitions?
> On my machine it does show all partitions - I have no idea why you can't
> see them. IIRC, you are using Kubuntu 8.04, don't you?
>> Thanks! Sorry to put you to so much trouble. Is Enabling the same as
>> Mounting? To get sdb5 alive again showing the /steven folder, I went
>> to Disk&Filesystems, highlighted sdb5 in Administrator mode, and
>> clicked on enable. That made /sdb5/steven accessible.
> OK, now I understand how you mount the partition and I had to do some
> experiments to understand what happens. If you use this page and enter a
> mount point for a partition it creates an entry in the file /etc/fstab
> for the partition. Furthermore it creates the mount point directory. If
> you then enable the partition it will be mounted. However it isn't useful
> to go to the administrator mode each time you want to mount the
> partition. Therefore I suggest you go to that page one more time. Select
> the sdb5 partition and clich the "Modify ..." button. For the "Mount
> permission" select "Any user may enable/disable any time" and click "OK".
> That way you don't need administrator mode to mount the partition.
Dear Nils,
I opened SystemSettings>Advanced>Disk&Filesystems>Modify,
there was no mount option that I could see. The window that opened has
a box at the top that says
Type: proc
Mount Point: /proc
Options defaults
The rest of the window is blank with OK and Cancel options at the bottom.
> Finally we'll create a shortcut for the partition so you can access it
> more easily. Right click on the empty desktop and select "Create
> New" -> "Link to device" -> "Hard disk device ...". At the "General" tab
> enter a name for the shortcut. At the "Device" tab select the
> device "/dev/sdb5" and click "OK". Now when you want to access the
> partition, just click the shortcut and the disk will be mounted if
> necessary and then it will be opened with Dolphin.
I carefully followed your instruction until the shortcut was on the
desktop. When I clicked on the shortcut, I got the following Error -
The desktop entry file
/home/steven/Desktop/%2fdev$2fsdb5 is of type FSDevice but has no
I know that is not what you expected, however I expected the mount point
to be /media/sdb5 and it was /proc and the Disk&Filesystems GUI view
shows it mounted as /media/sdb5 ext3 filing system /dev/seb5, enabled.
> Nils
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