Translate Italian, I think.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Nov 24 15:15:45 UTC 2008

Ignazio Palmisano wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I have received two emails from someone writing in a language I don't 
>> read.  I thing it is written in Italian or perhaps Portugese for his or 
>> her greeting is 'Boa Noite!", sounds like good evening to me.  Anyway is 
>> there a way to find out what he is saying, like some sort of 
>> translator.  I am going to copy a few more words to see if any of you 
>> recognize the language.  "Antes  de mais nada , quero me desculpar, pois 
>> vocês tem se esforçado em transmitir..."  I did not respond to the first 
>> email, and forgot to research how to understand it.  Anyway, I am 
>> willing to learn the language if that is what I have to do to respond.  
>> This forum has been good to me; so he must be just great too.  And if he 
>> needs help and someone is helping him from this forum, can you tell me 
>> his or her nationality so I can respond.
>> Cheers! Ciao, and Cordially,
>> Steven
> I am positive it's not Italian :) like the others said, sounds like 
> Portuguese. Alan posted the translation of a bit of it:
> ""First of all, I apologize, because if you have tried to convey""
> from that, I would guess it's some spam email, so if you are sure you 
> don't know the sender I'd suggest you consider it spam and not answer 
> the email at all.
> HTH,
> I.
Dear Ignazio,

It turned out to be Portuguese.  The person is very nice and having 
difficulty adjusting to Kubuntu, almost too frustrated to continue.  I 
am going to help him/her.  If I don't have the correct answers, I will 
post his/her needs and relay then to him/her.

It is a way for me to help someone, as I have been helped by all of 
you.  I am anxious to do this.  I feel so indebted.

Cheers! Caio Bello, and Cordially,

Steven      p.s.:  Soon I am going to have a salutation that would make 
a good           

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