Password question.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sun Nov 23 23:09:47 UTC 2008

Jerry Lapham wrote:
> On Sunday 23 November 2008 5:21:07 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>>  It is my impression that passwords are basically to make a
>> computer safe from hacker entry and from busy-eyes.  Since I am alone,
> For the lone home user, the real purpose of a separate root account and/or 
> sudo is to protect you from accidentally doing something harmful to your 
> system.  Think "FORMAT:C" or "DEL *.*" in the DOS world.  Having to change 
> users or run sudo with a password is a little stronger than just a "Are you 
> sure?" prompt after you've hit ENTER.
> 	-Jerry
I don't intend working in root.  I will work from a shell, however, if 
you screwed up as many times as I have trying to type in that password 
error free, you would understand.  I have a shell menu item that when I 
open it, it already says sudo and a request for password.  I thought if 
I had sudo privileges in that shell until I logged off, I could work 
without interruption.  When I need Root, I open the Root or Sudo shell 
and it is always logged in.  The rest of the time I work from a normal 
shell.  They are very different, so I am unlikely to make a mistake.  
Regular shell is white characters on a black background.  Sudo Shell is 
Blace print on a White background.  I have no fear of making that kind 
of mistake.  Given the choice, I would rather the small possibility of 
screwing up over the large possibility of screwing up every time I 
logged in as Superuser.

If you know, I really like to do what I want.  Isn't that one of the 
most important purposes of our Brotherhood, Freedom to chose what we 
do?  Thanks! friend.  I hope I get the answer I want.  I am willing to 
accept the responsibility for my choice.  I cannot understand the 
risistence.  I am almost 66 years old, and really don't want or need 
someone else forcing my choices.  Nonetheless, thank you and all who are 
of your mind for your concern.  I mean no disrespect by choosing my 
way.  I won't blame any of you, if I break my machine.  Anyway, I invite 
anyone who has lost a digit to enter the discussion and explain in their 
words.  It would really improve our computing experience.


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