Before I start filing bugs - KMail Help

Jan Torben Heuer jtnews at
Sun Nov 23 11:51:47 UTC 2008

Steve Lamb wrote:

> Ok, I've decided to give KMail a whirl after the latest round of "how to
> implement reply-to-list" messages in TBird's bugzilla bug for that
> feature. Sick of waiting 8 years for that wart to be removed.  However
Oh, any news on that topic? I was subscribed for the bug a few years ago but as you know, nothing happens. AFAIK KMail and mutt are the only mail applications which have useful reply functions...

> 1: When marking multiple messages in the message list I press-and-hold the
> shift button and use the up/down arrows.  In every other GUI application
> this will select all entries I move over.  However in KMail's message list
> shift and arrows does nothing.  Any way to get the standard behaviour
> activated here?
I think this is because up/down are connected to the message preview window. afaik p/n are used for scrolling in the message list. You can redefine that of course.
> 3: I have configured KMail to GPG sign all my messages.  However when I
> send a message that is marked to be signed it throws an error that it
> cannot sign the message.  The error provides a button to view a log of
> what happened. The log is blank.  Also it does not ask for my GPG
> password.  Known workarounds?
Yes, I'm still looking for that. It is because of the agent which asks for the passphrase. If you looked at the console you'd see kmail asks for the password there ;-) However there should be a GUI askpass application available. It is not KMail's fault alone, but the (k)ubuntu packager should have preconfigured that, I think.

So far, once I found the solution I'll post it.


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