donn.ingle at
Wed Nov 19 20:16:03 UTC 2008
On Wednesday, 19 November 2008 21:27:39 Charly Avital wrote:
> The splash screen with the progression bar underneath reads Kubuntu.
It's probably a splash screen you custom installed. It could be a bitmap using
Kubuntu, but your system is definitely Ubuntu.
> > $ which firefox
> /usr/bin/firefox
Good -- that's the default.
> > $ locate firefox-bin
> /home/shavital/firefox/firefox-bin
> /opt/firefox/firefox-bin
Ah, you seem to have 2 others installed. I am not sure which one is what
You need to find out which one your Firefox icon is running. Not sure about
Gnome buttons, but right-clicking it should bring up some kind of properties
Either way, you should be able to run it from the terminal by:
Check version. close.
Check version. close.
Check again.
(if the last word 'firefox' does not run substitute '' )
That will clue you in.
Another wrinkle is that firefox will be looking in /home/shavita/.mozilla for
various settings etc. One of those is a thing called a 'Profile'. Your profle
may be hijacking things somewhat.
You could make a copy of ~/.mozilla by renaming it:
mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_testing
Then run ff again and it should create that folder again. You will lose all
your bookmarks and add-ons etc, but they are all still in
the .mozilla_testing you just made.
Once you have the right version of FF running, you can start to put things
back into .mozilla one by one.
I know it sounds crazy, but your system seems crufty (full of old stuff, many
versions, like a palimpsest) and this kind of sleuthing is the only way I
know to fix stuff.
You could always backup your data, format and install afresh, but that's too
much work eh?
Case closed :D
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