Mark Fraser kubuntu at mfraz.orangehome.co.uk
Thu Nov 13 22:25:32 UTC 2008

On Thursday 13 November 2008 20:25:14 Steven Vollom wrote:
> I just put together my new computer.  I have never built one before.  I
> got to the point where the power is supposed to be turned on.  I left
> the side off the computer to adjust fan speed on two of the fans that
> came with the case.
> When I turned the computer on, the case fans came on.  There was a
> single beep.  Nonetheless the fan on the heat sink did not come on, and
> it is fixed to the power post of the motherboard that was made for it.


> Does anyone know if the fan over the Heat Sink not being on is normal
> when first turning the computer on?  It took me a year to assemble the
> components for my new computer; I can't afford to burn anything up.

It is possible that everything is working fine and that the fan is temperature 
controlled by the BIOS and as it isn't hot enough at that stage the fan 
doesn't need to be on.

If you turn it on again and go straight to the BIOS and check to see if the 
temperatures are OK and the fan's RPM is being read correctly.

Registered Linux User #466407 http://counter.li.org

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