Launchpad Bug 294167 Filed--Menu selection causes program crash

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at
Fri Nov 7 05:02:43 UTC 2008

On Thursday 06 November 2008 06:19:04 am Larry Hartman wrote:
> I dont know if anyone has experienced this bug or not, on my fresh install
> of Kubuntu 8.10, I have a number of programs (Gnome-based I think) that are
> crashing when I select any menu item (such as "File").  So far Eclipse,
> Bluefish, and GPHPedit are affected.  Not sure what to make of
> it--something to do with  KDE Xorg interaction maybe?
> This bug may be important, so I decided to post a quick summary here.  Can
> anyone confirm?  Also I see a boatload of KDE packages to update in Adept,
> so I will do that tonight (Pacific Coast time) and report back.

The KDE 4.1.3 bug fix release did not resolve this problem.  Guess I will look 
into what kind of additional trouble shooting I can do to provide more info.


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