Laptop email sending problem

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Nov 6 16:50:40 UTC 2008

John Hubbard wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I am also having intermittent problems turning the computer on.  
>> Sometimes when I shut down, I come back to a laptop that doesn't turn 
>> back on.  
> If you have powered off (not suspended) and you can't power back on then 
> it is a hardware problem If you can power on but not boot then we might 
> be able to help. If you are suspending but can't resume then there might 
> be help.
The button I have been using to turn my computer off is a hibernate 
button.  I just found this out.  My laptop is a Compaq Evo N620c.  The  
hibernate button is at the top of the keyboard on the left side near the 
screen bottom.  

Apparently the On/Off button is a slide left to right feature on the 
upper right portion of the keyboard.  When I purchased the computer it 
did not have instructions and I assumed the button (upper left) was the 
on off button because it worked.  Anyway it is that button I have been 
using to turn on and off the computer.  It has stopped working 
completely now.
>> Periodically I attempt to turn it on, hoping that it will 
>> reconnect, and eventually it does.  
> 'It' the laptop or 'it' the network connection?
>> Many times it starts without a 
>> problem several times before that symptom returns; 
The Laptop
> Are you talking about powering on the laptop, booting the laptop, or 
> starting the network?
I am talking about powering on the laptop.
>> I have not been able 
>> to find a solution to that problem either.  Do you think an electrical 
>> short may be the cause and may have an effect when attempting to send?
> Hardware problems could cause anything but the fact that is only 
> affecting a mail send makes it unlikely. It really sounds more like a 
> configuration/settings issue. You are sending packets to request the 
> incoming mail, so the machine can send packets.
Dear John,

I was just reading through this email which I had saved to a special 
folder.  I don't believe I answered it and it seems to contain potential 
help.  I will reply to your questions above and hope you are still 
willing to help.

Thanks in any event.

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