Why do people dislike Dolphin?

Art Alexion art.alexion at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 18:58:35 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 05 November 2008 1:34:32 pm Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Could you post some example websites?


Now that is a really important web site to me, because I do my banking with 
it, but the problems occur /after/ I log in (when Konqueror allows me to log 

Not only does it work in FF, but it also works on Safari on my iTouch.

Another problem I seem to have a lot with Konqueror is when I do a form post.  
The post is often successful, but Konqueror doesn't automatically move to the 
results page.  When I force it, it complains that there is unsent form data.

The thing that most upset me about the Konqueror changes was that they were 
taking a combination top class file manager and mediocre web browser and 
making it merely a mediocre web browser.

On Wednesday 05 November 2008 12:46:17 pm Derek Broughton wrote:
> Not to mention an attitude change from the developers who refuse to do
> something wrong, just because everybody else does it.  If a web page
> displays in FF and IE, then it has to display equally well in Konqueror,
> whether or not it complies with standards.

And this angers me as well. FOSS adapts all of the time.  Samba works with 
windows shares; it doesn't complain that they are poorly implemented.  kpdf 
opens and displays the Adobe Acrobat format, and adapts to changes in that 
format; it doesn't complain about the format.  OpenOffice supports ODF, but 
it also supports the MS XML formats because its users need it to; it doesn't 
refuse to support them because they don't conform to ODF standards.

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