question on screenshots

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Nov 7 21:12:35 UTC 2008

Glenn R Williams wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I may be doing something wrong, but I can't get KDE to copy a screenshot or 
> window to the clipboard. When I look at system settings, it says that both 
> Ctrl-Print and Alt-Print are set, but when I use these combinations, nothing 
> seems to happen.
> Can someone tell me how to take a screnshot of a window or the desktop?
> TIA,
> Glenn
When I want a screen print, I click on the keyboard *Print Screen* key.  
>From there it is self explanatory.  I am older and my memory is a little 
evasive, and I remember vaguely of someone helping me with the problem 
in the past, however, if what I just suggested doesn't work for you, let 
me know and I will try to find my notes on that result.  
svollom at  I hope this works for you.

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