Why do people dislike Dolphin?
Dotan Cohen
dotancohen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 13:05:26 UTC 2008
2008/11/4 nepal <nepal.roade at googlemail.com>:
> On Monday 03 November 2008, Herman Holmström wrote:
>> Honestly. I've recently started using KDE instead of
>> gnome, and I like Dolphin a lot more than Nautilus. I
>> just don't understand why people think it's so bad. I
>> mean, I'm no hardcore user. I want to be able to browse
>> and move my files. Which pretty much any file manager
>> does. I can understand if a file manager is utterly
>> retarded and crashes and, well, just doesn't work. Why is
>> it that so many hates Dolphin?
> 1. Being forced to use it by default.
Agreed, that was a bad decision on Kubuntu's part.
> 2. Poor use of on-screen space, showing information in
> panels that I only need occasionally. This is achieved much
> better by tool tips than wasting screen real estate.
Only us power user think that. Really. And we can configure that.
> 3. It is cluttered and poorly thought out to look at, and
> merely seems like some other piece of software is being
> copied in order to 'stay with the gang', Instant impression
> was its trying to be like some well known m$ software.
I need more detail than that. Something specific.
> 4. Software panels that keep reconfiguring themselves after
> one has made setting changes is not f****ing friendly but
> stupid as someone else said. Years ago when I wrote
> software I would never do that to my users.
Sounds like a bug. Can you please elaborate?
> 5. There is a perfectly good file manager called Konqueror
> which I have grown to love, if I want to use another
> filemanager, which I do occasionally, I use Krusader. I
> would never use D**phin and never will.
And you have that choice! Isn't FOSS great?
> 6. After having D**phin installed as default and the
> experience of its constant rearranging of *my* settings, it
> is unlikely I will ever look at this bit of softare again,
> *EVER*.
Wait until KDE 4.2 at least then.
> 7. Just for good measure, its pig ugly!
Could you be more specific? What would you change to make it not pig
ugly? What components do not look good to you?
Dotan Cohen
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