Why do people dislike Dolphin?

Girard Henri girardhenri at free.fr
Tue Nov 4 09:53:14 UTC 2008

I like dolphin at the beginning i used it ... well not much...
but now i don't use anything else ... In fact i have very little to do
with it... Most I do with mc ! :)
but for everyday's life dolphin is perfect : quick and convivial

Le mardi 04 novembre 2008 à 09:09 +0000, nepal a écrit :
> On Monday 03 November 2008, Herman Holmström wrote:
> > Honestly. I've recently started using KDE instead of
> > gnome, and I like Dolphin a lot more than Nautilus. I
> > just don't understand why people think it's so bad. I
> > mean, I'm no hardcore user. I want to be able to browse
> > and move my files. Which pretty much any file manager
> > does. I can understand if a file manager is utterly
> > retarded and crashes and, well, just doesn't work. Why is
> > it that so many hates Dolphin?
> 1. Being forced to use it by default.
> 2. Poor use of on-screen space, showing information in 
> panels that I only need occasionally. This is achieved much 
> better by tool tips than wasting screen real estate.
> 3. It is cluttered and poorly thought out to look at, and 
> merely seems like some other piece of software is being 
> copied in order to 'stay with the gang', Instant impression 
> was its trying to be like some well known m$ software.
> 4. Software panels that keep reconfiguring themselves after 
> one has made setting changes is not f****ing friendly but 
> stupid as someone else said. Years ago when I wrote 
> software I would never do that to my users.
> 5. There is a perfectly good file manager called Konqueror 
> which I have grown to love, if I want to use another 
> filemanager, which I do occasionally, I use Krusader. I 
> would never use D**phin and never will.
> 6. After having D**phin installed as default and the 
> experience of its constant rearranging of *my* settings, it 
> is unlikely I will ever look at this bit of softare again, 
> *EVER*.
> 7. Just for good measure, its pig ugly!
> nepal.

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