Alternative KDE packages?

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Tue Nov 4 10:13:14 UTC 2008

Hi Markus

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Markus <kamikazow at> wrote:
> Hi there.
> Hopefully you guys can answer my question positively.
> I wonder if there are any alternative KDE 4.1.x packages available. The Ubuntu
> installation on the PC I use at work was updated to Intrepid on Friday and
> while I was pleased to see KDE 4.1 (I use it at home for months), I was
> shocked about the incredibly bad state of the German localization in Kubuntu:
> For comparison, openSUSE:
> I googled a bit, but I couldn't find alternative packages, except the official
> source codes to compile by myself. Are there any?

There has been a bottleneck during the upload of the translation
packages from Upstream (KDE and Gnome) on the Launchpad servers
(server issue and wrong priority settings for POT and PO files I
guess) and like 80'000+ packages had to be uploaded manually. With
only two people this took longer than necessary for the final language
packages to make it into the release. The final packages are available
for most of the languages through update since a day or two.
Certainly this will improve for the next release.


Myriam aka Mamarok

PS I guess you were the one who commented on my blog :)

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