Thumb drive ext2 slow write speed

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Tue Nov 4 02:31:06 UTC 2008

Nils Kassube wrote:
> Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> I just got a new SanDisk 2GB cruzer micro and formatted it to ext2
>> (using qtparted). I then proceeded to copy just under 600MB of data ---
>> it took more than 10 minutes!
> 10 min. would be 1MB/s write speed. What is the rated write speed of that 
> device? I think 1MB/s is nothing unusual for a cheap flash disk. My FAT32 
> formatted (no-name) USB stick would take about 7 minutes write time for a 
> 600MB file - that would be a similar (yes, I know waiting >3 more minutes 
> is an eternity :) speed to yours.
>> What's going on? Is it because of ext2? 
>> Should I reformat it as ext3?
> I don't think ext3 would help. With ext3 you have additional writes for 
> the journal, i.e it would be even slower.
>> This is on a Dell Inspiron 1525 (with USB 2).
> The limit is the low write speed of the flash devices, not the USB speed.

It is a 'SanDisk Cruzer Micro Skin' and it specifically says that it is "Hi-speed USB 2.0 Flash 
Drive" and that it "Hi-speed USB 2.0 port required for high speed data transfer".

My Inspirion 1525 definitely has a hi-speed USB 2.0 port.

Any clues?



> Nils


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