re Kubuntu app for checking emails

Pablo L plberd-kubuntu at
Sat Nov 1 11:44:13 UTC 2008

If you are using Kubuntu (not Ubuntu), you already have it.
You can find it in the K menu, under Internet (or network, I'm using KDE in 
spanish so I don't know the real english texts), it should say something like 
"Mail client - Kmail".
You can also use it inside Knotact, Kontact is like a big frame to run all the 
programs related with your personal information: mails, address books, calendar, 
to-do lists, news reader. The mail program that runs inside Kontact is exactly 
the same Kmail you can run on it's own. You can find Kontact in the Office section 
of your K menu.

If for whatever reason you don't have it... I think the best way to get it is to 
just type in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install kmail


Pablo L.

PS: when replying to messages from the list, try to reply to the list.

El Saturday 01 November 2008 03:14:09 Ray Burke escribió:
> Pablo,
> I have ben told about kmail but not sure how to run it and downloadit from
> adept??? would you no with instructions as I am a newbie to Kubuntu
> ray> From: plberd-kubuntu at> To: kubuntu-users at>
> Subject: Re: re Kubuntu app for checking emails> Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008
> 23:04:05 -0200> > I googled it and it and found a description:> > "POP
> Peeper is an email notifier that runs in your Windows task bar and alerts >
> you when you have new email on your POP3, IMAP (with IDLE support), >
> Hotmail\MSN\LiveMail, Yahoo, GMail,, MyWay, Excite, iWon,
>, > RediffMail, Juno and NetZero accounts. IMAP supports allows
> you to access AOL, > AIM, Netscape and other services. Send mail directly
> from POP Peeper and use the > address book to email your frequently used
> contacts. POP Peeper allows you to > view messages using HTML or you can
> choose to safely view all messages in rich > or plain text."[...]
> (> > I know there are some mail notifiers, I've
> used one myself some years ago... You > could try an independent mail
> notifier or use Kmail's option to keep an icon in > the system tray (you'll
> find that tab in kmail's look settings).> > Pablo L.> > El Friday 31
> October 2008 22:30:18 Dotan Cohen escribió:> > 2008/10/31 Ray Burke
> <rayburke30 at>:> > > Does anyone know of an Application in
> Kubuntu that is able to pre-read> > > emails(Number) with different ISP's
> instead of connecting to them> > > singularly, like pop peeper in xp pro>
> >> > I am not familiar with pop peeper but in kmail you can download only>
> > the headers and leave the messages on the server. I suspect that this> >
> is what poop peeper is doing behind the scenes.> >> > --> > Dotan Cohen> >>
> >> >> >
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