re Kubuntu app for checking emails

Pablo L plberd-kubuntu at
Sat Nov 1 20:11:55 UTC 2008

Well, I've never used kshowmail... So I don't know exactly what host it is 
asking you for.
You should be able to copy your mail configuration from outlook or whatever mail 
client you have in windows. The most important info is:

Username: generally, whatever is before the @ in you mail address.

Password: No need to explain.

POP server (Post Office Protocol, this is the server where you ask for your 
mails). Yahoo's server is: (the others, I don't know)

SMTP server (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, this is where you send all your mail 
and he delivers them to your addressees servers)

Most mail clients today can test the server for the rest of the informarmation 
(security protocol, encriptions, ports, etc). But you should read on your 
service provider's page how to configure your mail client. It doesn't really 
matters which one the explain, most of them ask the same. However you'll 
probably have som trouble with hotmail... I'm not sure if this is still true but 
they used to suppert only their own proprietary protocol. You should read 
hotmail's help and try to find if you can configure thunderbird to connect to 
hotmail... If thunderbird can, most certenly any other decent mail client can 
too with the same configuration.

On other things, you should respond to <kubuntu-users at> if you 
want more help. If you don't, other users that maight know more than me in the 
list won't see your question and won't be able to help you.

Have fun,


El Saturday 01 November 2008 17:17:58 Ray Burke escribió:
> Pablo,
> I have kshowmail installed not kmail but dont know how to set up the
> Host(server) that it requires as says not valid, as I have three emails
> accounts to  check (hotmail,alphalink and yahoo) which I thought the hosts
> were, and, but says No????????
> can you help
> ray
> ----------------------------------------
> > From: plberd-kubuntu at
> > To: kubuntu-users at
> > Subject: Re: re Kubuntu app for checking emails
> > Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 09:44:13 -0200
> >
> > If you are using Kubuntu (not Ubuntu), you already have it.
> > You can find it in the K menu, under Internet (or network, I'm using KDE
> > in spanish so I don't know the real english texts), it should say
> > something like "Mail client - Kmail".
> > You can also use it inside Knotact, Kontact is like a big frame to run
> > all the programs related with your personal information: mails, address
> > books, calendar, to-do lists, news reader. The mail program that runs
> > inside Kontact is exactly the same Kmail you can run on it's own. You can
> > find Kontact in the Office section of your K menu.
> >
> > If for whatever reason you don't have it... I think the best way to get
> > it is to just type in a terminal:
> >
> > sudo apt-get install kmail
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Pablo L.
> >
> > PS: when replying to messages from the list, try to reply to the list.
> >
> > El Saturday 01 November 2008 03:14:09 Ray Burke escribió:
> >> Pablo,
> >>
> >> I have ben told about kmail but not sure how to run it and downloadit
> >> from adept??? would you no with instructions as I am a newbie to Kubuntu
> >>
> >> ray> From: plberd-kubuntu at> To:
> >> kubuntu-users at> Subject: Re: re Kubuntu app for checking
> >> emails> Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 23:04:05 -0200>> I googled it and it and
> >> found a description:>> "POP Peeper is an email notifier that runs in
> >> your Windows task bar and alerts> you when you have new email on your
> >> POP3, IMAP (with IDLE support),> Hotmail\MSN\LiveMail, Yahoo, GMail,
> >>, MyWay, Excite, iWon,,> RediffMail, Juno and NetZero
> >> accounts. IMAP supports allows you to access AOL,> AIM, Netscape and
> >> other services. Send mail directly from POP Peeper and use the> address
> >> book to email your frequently used contacts. POP Peeper allows you to>
> >> view messages using HTML or you can choose to safely view all messages
> >> in rich> or plain text."[...] (>> I know there
> >> are some mail notifiers, I've used one myself some years ago... You>
> >> could try an independent mail notifier or use Kmail's option to keep an
> >> icon in> the system tray (you'll find that tab in kmail's look
> >> settings).>> Pablo L.>> El Friday 31 October 2008 22:30:18 Dotan Cohen
> >> escribió:>> 2008/10/31 Ray Burke
> >>
> >> :>>> Does anyone know of an Application in
> >>
> >> Kubuntu that is able to pre-read>>> emails(Number) with different ISP's
> >> instead of connecting to them>>> singularly, like pop peeper in xp pro>
> >>
> >>>>> I am not familiar with pop peeper but in kmail you can download only>
> >>>
> >>> the headers and leave the messages on the server. I suspect that this>>
> >>
> >> is what poop peeper is doing behind the scenes.>>>> -->> Dotan Cohen>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>
> >>
> >> א-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת>>>> ä-ö-ü-ß-Ä-Ö-Ü>
> >>
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> >>
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> >>
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