konversation keeps getting owned

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Sat Mar 29 19:33:51 UTC 2008

On Saturday 29 March 2008, Derek Broughton wrote:
> > Plus only one post in every 142,000 isn't spam.
> Not even close.

Yeah, that was like five years ago.  It's probably only one in every 1.42 
million that isn't spam now.  :)  (Or a troll.  Same difference.  I guess it 
was really the trolls more than spammers that sent me packing. They're all 

> Right.  And of course they never learned to type, so they hunt & peck in
> l33t.  I can type full sentences faster than the kids type their
> unintelligible shorthand.


Glad I'm not the only crotchety old bastard.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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