Printing to a Windows 2000 server shared printer

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Mon Mar 10 07:09:20 UTC 2008

Valter Mura wrote:
> Il sabato 8 marzo 2008 14:21:56 Tom R ha scritto:
>>> Sinclair wrote:
>>> using ip-address as well as servername, no luck. It
>>> comes up in Smb4K (the share that is) but I can not
>>> print from that either...
>> Sinclair,
>> The 2.6.22 kernel has a problem in the module cifs
>> (version 1.49) which prevents mounting more than 1
>> cifs share at a time.  The problem appears in Ubuntu
>> 7.10, openSUSE 10.3 and other 2.6.22 based distros.
>> It wasn't there in earlier kernels and distros (e.g.,
>> openSUSE 10.2, Ubuntu 7.04) and has been fixed in
>> later kernels (e.g., Kubuntu 8.04 Alphas, openSUSE
>> 11.0 Alphas).  I noticed it with Samba, but it may
>> have affected Windows 2000 servers.  It showed up when
>> implementing the smb2 protocol (Windows 2003 servers)
>> so it may not have affected them.  If this is the
>> problem, your printer mighr work if you umount any
>> mounted Windows shares.

Well, I have actually upgraded to kernel 2.6.24... for another reason, I 
had problems with a modem that 2.2.22 or the ALSA in Gutsy did not 

So that would not be my problem I guess. Will have to try with a Live CD 
of something to really check though.


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