Problem with kde 3.5.9

lanzen lanzenesi at
Sat Mar 1 23:01:02 UTC 2008

On Saturday 01 March 2008 20:27:24 honorshark wrote:

> It will say something is messed up and type the following "XY" command to 
> fix it 

Got it! While upgrading the kubuntu 32 bit I got an error that stopped the 
upgrade. I did a dpkg --configure -a as adviced and all ended up fine. The 
problem was about some supposedly modified files and  I was asked if I would 
like to keep it or accept the new one. I choose the second option.

Could it be a 32 bit related problem as it didn't happen when I upgraded the 
other kubuntu 64?

anyway... all's well that ends well. ;)


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