Problems with KDE4 under Kubuntu Hardy

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Jun 2 00:02:32 UTC 2008

Steve Lamb wrote:

>     So I should, and will, be quite upset about their lack of even basic
> usability like moving buttons on the bottom bar.

What bottom bar?  Don't tell me it doesn't even let you put the bar on top
where it belongs :-)  [actually, I only put it there because I often run an
NX session inside Windows, and it's convenient to have one toolbar at the
bottom, and one at the top]
>> If you can't run KDE4 decently then you must have a problem with your
>> installation that usually is sorted out with a clean install
>     Tell that to the OP.  Furthermore are you really suggesting a clean
> install because I accidentally removed my K button and can't move it on
> the bar?  Do you consider that reasonable for RELEASED software?  I don't.

Neither do I.  I haven't seen any indication that any of the usability
issues I care about has been fixed since the beta version, so I'm not even
trying KDE4.

>     None of that is what I would call "usability".  Every piece of it is
> distracting or flat out broken.
>> What do you expect, that developers stay behind mayor evolution in
>> desktop design?
>> try to understand what the
>> computers of the 21st century will look like or stay put with the "old
>> way".

I'm not sure I quite agree - but I do think that major evolutions in desktop
design belong somewhere else.  There's no value to alienating those of us
who love KDE3 by bringing in a whole new way of doing things and telling us
it's an advance.

>> Gnome is not near in
>> ages to that GUI changes we need to do to catch up with the modern
>> world :)

What "modern world"?  There's nothing in Vista or Mac that I want to see in
KDE - nothing that makes my life easier, just eye candy - so it would
appear they want to move off into entirely uncharted territory. Not the
modern world, but some scary future.

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