Wifi Ralink RT2500

David Fletcher kubuntu-users at thefletchers.net
Thu Feb 28 22:20:00 UTC 2008

On Thursday 28 Feb 2008, Sebastian Schack wrote:
> David Fletcher schrieb:
> > What about USB dongle type devices? I've got one that I think 
> > contains a RaLink chip, that I can run on my laptop with Gutsy and 
> > ndiswrapper. Is that likely to just work with Hardy?
> > 
> Well, I don't have such a device at hand but if you ask me (which you 
> just did) I answer that I *think* that it is a lot more likely to work 
> with Hardy than with Gutsy...
> Sebastian

I can't confirm that I can connect through it, because I don't have a wireless 
router here, but this is looking rather good.

What I've got at home is a PC that belongs to a friend, which has Hardy 
installed on it. The WiFi dongle is a BlueNext model BN-WD54G. When I powered 
up this PC just now, with the Ethernet  unplugged and the dongle in a USB 
port, it detects two BT Home Hub devices in the locality, but they're 
encrypted and I've got no idea who they belong to, so I can't do anything 
more. But it detected the WiFi without doing anything other than plugging in 
the dongle.


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