Remote desktop

David McGlone d.mcglone at
Fri Feb 8 03:57:54 UTC 2008

On Thursday 07 February 2008 5:05:56 pm Andrew Jarrett wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008 4:51 PM, David Fletcher <kubuntu-users at> 
> > On Thursday 07 Feb 2008, David Fletcher wrote:
> > > If the router will port forward without having a fixed outside IP
> > > address from the ISP then fair enough you should be able to get it to
> > > work, but the OP will need to know what the dynamic outside IP
> > > address is at the time. Just clicking on will
> > > provide this information. Mine is provided by Virgin Media. It only
> > > changes rarely but it does change.
> >
> > I just got the manual out and had a read. On this router (Belkin
> > FSD5230-4) the setup page is titled "Virtual Server" but it looks like
> > Port Forwarding by another name. The manual states <quote> Your WAN
> > interface must use a fixed IP address to utilize the virtual server
> > function <unquote>.
> >
> > It may just be that the Port Forwarding would work just fine, so long as
> > the user attempting to access it from outside knows what your dynamic IP
> > address is at the time. I might have a play with this, see if  can ssh
> > into my home server form work.
> >
> > Dave
> Yep, that's it.  I, too, have a Belkin router and the "Virtual Server"
> section is what you want.  You need to make sure that your
> mother-in-law has a static IP so that the traffic will always go to
> her computer.  Just give it a name, set the internal IP, and set the
> port and you're ready to go.

I turned off the dhcp of the router so I could assign each of her computers 
their own static IP. Now I just got to work out the port fowarding for each 
of her 2 static IP's and I should be good to go. Her and I both have Belkins 
so I'm glad you had a belkin also, your tips will be helpful once I get 
chance to go down there and set it up for her.

David M.

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