kde4 package lag?

Jared Greenwald greenwaldjared at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 00:16:53 UTC 2008

I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that updates came out
between KDE releases, but I suppose those are probably more for bug
fixes than features.

Thanks for the information though.


On Feb 1, 2008 6:49 PM, Richard A. Johnson <nixternal at kubuntu.org> wrote:
> On Friday 01 February 2008, Jared Greenwald wrote:
> | Let me preface this by saying that I don't want anyone to take this as
> | a complaint, but I'm just curious.
> Quit complaining! hehe, just kidding :)
> | What is the lag time between code being in the kde4 tree and a package
> | getting pushed to the hardy/gutsty-backport repos?
> The lag time as you call it would be the time which you see them applied in
> upstream SVN, and the release day for KDE 4 packages. Our next release is
> 4.0.1, which those packages have been tagged (typically a week before their
> actual release which gives distributions the chance to have them packaged and
> ready for release day). So next week, on KDE 4.0.1 release day, we will go
> ahead and release the new packages.
> | I only ask because it appears that the code to make the panel
> | configurable has been checked-in to the tree.  This was one of my
> | biggest qualms about plasma in general, so I'm eager to get my grubby
> | little hands on it.  :)
> It depends on what you mean by "configurable" in this case for the plasma panel.
> 4.0.1 will include some updates which will provide more configuration choices,
> however it seems as if the change which many are looking for, the ability to
> change its size, was just introduced into the code repository, which means we
> won't see it more than likely until next month (March), or the 4.0.2 release.
> Right now you will see KDE 4 feature changes on a monthly basis as that is what
> we (KDE) have decided on for the KDE 4 release schedule at this time.
> 4.0.1 February
> 4.0.2 March
> 4.0.3 April
> 4.0.4 May
> 4.0.5 June
> 4.0.6 July
> 4.1.0 August
> Hope this helps a bit.
> --
> Richard A. Johnson
> nixternal at kubuntu.org
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
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