How do I change the default configuration of MPlayer movie player?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Dec 25 06:58:02 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> > My mplayer version doesn't know a "-16:9" option but it does
> > know "-monitoraspect 16:9". With that option the command would
> > be "mplayer -monitoraspect 16:9 %u". But it doesn't change anything
> > with the movie I have tried. Anyway, did you try if "-fs" gives a
> > usable result?
> I took your advice, however, now, when it opens, it opens to, I
> believe, 12:9 aspect ratio.  Additionally, the right-click that used to
> reveal properties is no longer enabled.  If you right click nothing
> happens; if you try to resize it closes and you start over from the
> beginning.

I think we are talking about different applications. Could it be that you 
originally meant Kmplayer or Gnome-mplayer instead? When I right-click on 
a movie playing with mplayer (without any extra options) then nothing 

> Pause, mute, aspect ratio, are among features that I miss.  I think I
> would almost prefer going through the steps of choosing the 16:9 aspect
> ratio than have it open on a single click.  I like to be able to pause
> to refresh myself or mute if someone calls on the telephone.  If I want
> to stop or quiet a movie, I have to turn it off and start over.  I do
> like how it jumps into a movie though.  That method of configuration is
> a no nonsense opening of a movie.  If it just had the 16:9 aspect
> ratio, I believe I wouldn't mind losing the other features so much.

With mplayer you could use the space key for pause. Somehow the mute 
option (key m) doesn't work for me. However the appropriate keys for 
volume, mute and pause on my multimedia keyboard do work. But I don't 
know how to change the aspect ratio while playing a movie. If you aren't 
using the full screen mode (option -fs) you can resize the movie if you 
drag the border of the mplayer window with the mouse.

> By the way, where did you find the 'monitoraspect choice'?  Did you
> just make it up and the computer understood?  I would like to know how
> to do that.

I found it in the man page. Use the command "man mplayer" in a terminal to 
read it or type "man:mplayer" in the konqueror address bar. You might as 
well install the package mplayer-doc and read the 
file /usr/share/doc/mplayer-doc/HTML/en/index.html with konqueror.

And about your other mail: "mplayer -monitoraspect 16:9 %u" is what should 
be entered as the command in the configuration for the file association. 
If you use it to start a movie from the command line it would be the 
filename instead of the "%u".


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