I have read some on Proxy Servers, but I am still confused.

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Wed Dec 3 08:02:01 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Nils Kassube wrote:
>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> Are there free Proxy Servers?  
>> If you mean a proxy server on the net to disguise your IP, try
>> <http://www.google.com/search?q=free+proxy+server&num=100>. If you mean a 
>> program to run on your machine, there are many. Depending on your needs 
>> you may consider squid, wwwoffle, anon-proxy, privoxy, just to mention a 
>> few.
>>> Can a person still use a torrent 
>>> program, and use it safely?  
>> Sure, why not? And what do you mean with "safely"?
> When I read that now, it doesn't make any sense.  I can't remember what 
> was going through my mind.  I think I meant without losing important 
> stuff; if it is like a filter, you lose things sometimes you'd rather 
> not lose.
>>> Does a Proxy Server provide similar 
>>> benefit to a firewall?  
>> A firewall can do many more things than a proxy server. See
>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firewall>
>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server>
> Is a firewall just a complex password protected incoming signal.  I am 
> sure my imagination sees it wrong.  I have never heard it explained, I 
> have just heard the word firewall.
>>> Is the setup easy enough for a newbie?  
>> That depends on what type of proxy you are speaking of. If it is a proxy 
>> somewhere on the net you usually only have to set the IP address and port 
>> in your browser. If it is a program on your machine it depends on the 
>> program.
> If the ones that cost are better, I need one that is cheap.  If the free 
> ones work OK, do they increase the security provided by a firewall.   
> Does a good firewall work as well without a proxy server?
>>> Will a  
>>> Proxy Server work through a Router?
>> Yes.
>>> I would like to increase the security of the incoming internet signal
>>> through my router, then relax internal security.
>> >From your previous posts I know you are the only one on your local 
>> network. Therefore I think you don't need to worry about "incoming 
>> internet signal" if your router can work as a firewall which blocks 
>> incoming connections. Check the router setup page if that is possible. 
>> Then again, there are things like phishing emails which can't be reliably 
>> blocked by a firewall or proxy. There you'd better rely on your brain.
> I followed their instruction pretty well, because it worked.  I have no 
> idea what I did.  I just followed instructions.  I really would like to 
> understand this aspect of computing.  My new computer will start fresh 
> without all the mistakes and insecurities as this one.  And, I would 
> like to be reasonably secure from now on.
> Thanks! Nils
>> Nils

Hi Steven,

basically your router acts as a device that translates between your 
private network (ex. 192.168.1.x) and the Internet.

This offers you a good deal of privacy since your private network cannot 
be seen and cannot be exploited from the internet.

Moreover the firewall that is integrated into your router should ensure 
that no incoming traffic is handled which you did not previously 
initiate from the inside. This most often is setup by default.

Generally a firewall handles traffic by looking at each IP packet, 
applying a rule set to it and act accordingly. A proxy in contrast is an 
application that acts "on your behalf" in regard to internet 
communication. They are generally not related, although it often makes 
sense to install them in common.

So you can safely rely on your router/firewall, have fun with your new 
machine and feel adequately safe.

Kind regards

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