Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Sep 19 16:34:27 UTC 2007

Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Wednesday 19 September 2007, Nils Kassube wrote:
>>Neil Winchurst wrote:
>>> Dare I mention that the first computer I was involved with was an IBM
>>> mainframe in 1962? I saw the whole PC business right from the
>>> beginning. Yes, I started with DOS back then, and before that CP/M.
>>> Anyone remember that one?
>>Reading all those stories from you oldtimers, I'm still waiting for
>>somebody to tell us how she / he discussed the design of the difference
>>engine with Charles Babbage :))
> I'm an old fart, yes, but I'm afraid  that really is before our times.
> But its an interesting concept, just exactly who would have been an
> intelligent enough contemporary to Charles that he could have had a
> meaningfull discussion with them, and without having his ideas stolen?
> Food for a novel maybe?

Sterling & Gibson, /The Difference Engine/


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