Samba Samba!

Donn donn.ingle at
Tue Sep 18 13:54:34 UTC 2007

> Yes.  I think...  Which way are you trying to go?  I think you're trying to
> read files on the XP system from the Linux system,
Yes, kind of. Well, to tell the truth I wanted to have a 2 way street and just 
see what samba was all about.

> in which case, it's got 
> nothing to do with smbpasswd.  smbpasswd that sets the username/password
> that Windows clients will use to access the linux box.
So, that username/password that XP is asking me for (when trying to map a 
network drive to //donnsbox/Myfiles is not asking me for my samba password? 
Seems weird.

> The username/password for the Linux client to access the Windows boxen is
> set in KDE System Settings/Sharing/Local Network Browsing. 
Cool, I'm off to visit kcontrol.

> However, iirc, 
> SMB is NOT capable of using blank passwords.  If you are going to restrict
> shares to specific users you MUST give the user a password.
Tah, I'll give my user on XP a password and see what gives.


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