Today's Gutsy updates broke my display

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Mon Sep 10 19:47:07 UTC 2007

On Monday 10 September 2007 14:39:28 Michael Bach (gmx) wrote:
> 1.) Is the black band already present when you boot (grub-menu if any,
> boot splash)?

No.  Nor is it visible  on tty3 or tty1 (runlevel 3)  Only with X at every 

> 2.) Change the refresh rate in xorg.conf and see what happens.

Please be more specific.  

The monitor likes 1280x1024 @ 60hz

The following provides further details
Display Mode		Horizontal	Vertical	Pixel Clock	Sync Polarity (hor./vert.)
VESA, 1280 x 1024  	64.0  		60.0  		108.0  		+/+
VESA, 1280 x 1024  	80.0  		75.0  		135.0  		+/+

One last thing, version 2.11.92 of Evolution, which version is part of Gutsy, 
is needed for my work.  The version in Feisty does not access certain 
necessary features on an Exchange server.  So, with the monitor problem, I 
upgraded the xubuntu feisty box to gutsy, and now the same problem is there 
too.  It was not present on feisty today, nor was the problem present with 
Gutsy last week.

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