kde4 beta2

Paul Kaplan pkaplan1 at comcast.net
Fri Sep 7 09:15:39 UTC 2007

I'm trying to upgrade a kde4 beta1 install to beta2.  I have backports 
enabled.  According to the announcement I should install kde-workspace, but 
no such package appears in Adept.  Moreover, the only kde4 packages that are 
marked as version 3.93 are kde-base, kde-base-data and kde-base-dev, which 
should be upgraded.  All other kde4 packages, including those that are 
installed as well as those that are not, are marked as version 3.92, which, I 
thought, was beta1.

What gives?  Shouldn't everything be marked as 3.93 or were only 3 packages 
upgraded w/ beta2.

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