kdm - override files found/ not working (gutsy)kdm - override files found/ not working (gutsy)

Jan Michelsburg technowizard at gmx.net
Fri Sep 7 06:17:19 UTC 2007


maybe someone can help me with the following problem. Everytime I try to
activate kdm themes the following alert shows up:

"Override files found, so this theming will not have effect. Please see
/usr/share/doc/kdm/README.Debian for more information."

The readme was of no use for me. Because it was of no importance 
I waited till after some updates to try again. Nothing had changed.

So I removed the following packages with their configuration files:
kdm,kde-kdm-themes, kdmtheme and kubuntu-default-setting and after that
installed them anew.

Now I have the new problem that every startup stops because of kdm. Even
"gpkg-reconfigure kdm" didn't help. I have changed to gdm but want kdm
back, can somebody help me?


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