For you Linux programmers out there?

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Tue Sep 4 23:43:58 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 04 September 2007, Knapp wrote:
> include writing the documentation. To all the programmers out there,
> please work on making better documentation because this is where I see
> the real failing on many projects.

I keep trying to say something here without running on, and two hours later, I 
don't have anything simple to say on this topic.  If I'm going to write an 
essay about the vagaries of documenting Linux projects, I may as well do it 
right, and publish it on a blog or something.  Or better yet, figure out some 
way to get someone to pay me to publish it.  :D

The jist of it, though, is that it's a crappy and nearly impossible job.

> Also to everyone, please date all 
> written docs.

I definitely agree with this.  One of my top three biggest rants.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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