Edgy/Feisty setup re installs

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Sep 1 16:40:40 UTC 2007

D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> Since you're getting this screwy MIME type nonsense, I would stick with
> a command line editor like vim, nano, or emacs.  I don't think any of
> them use the old WordStar commands you might be used to from DOS, so
> it's just a toss-up.  Nano is the most approachable for people in a
> hurry to get something done without sitting down with a book.  I use
> vim.

If you are familiar with WordStar (or the DOS command edit), install 
package joe. It includes various versions with individual key bindings. 
You should start jstar if you want WordStar key bindings. Since that 
great editor exists I never had an incentive to learn vi or emacs.


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