Edgy/Feisty setup re installs

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Sat Sep 1 16:23:36 UTC 2007

On Saturday 01 September 2007, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> I tried your suggestion and got quite a response.

The edit command is a symlink that's supposed to provide a sane editor, so 
this was a reasonable suggestion for the guy to make.

However, in this case it seems to be pointing to something unexpected, which 
is trying to run graphically.  You're getting the X server error, because 
sudo runs the command as root, and root doesn't have access to your display.  
(You can change that, but let's not get too far away from the subject at 

Since you're getting this screwy MIME type nonsense, I would stick with a 
command line editor like vim, nano, or emacs.  I don't think any of them use 
the old WordStar commands you might be used to from DOS, so it's just a 
toss-up.  Nano is the most approachable for people in a hurry to get 
something done without sitting down with a book.  I use vim.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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