Virtual Machine Vs Separate Partition

Scott slewin at
Fri Oct 26 22:44:03 UTC 2007

Phil Pinkerton wrote:
> Why not do both and do some benchmarks ?
That may be a good idea for the win xp that I have because I already
have it installed on a separate partition.  What is a good way to
benchmark in both the Virtual Machine and in the win xp?  Also, is there
any good documentation on doing win XP in a VM in Kubuntu?

My win xp is a OEM install and Dell put the disc in a separate
partition.  Is it possible to use that separate partition to install in
a virtual machine?

> My other partition has Vista (OEM) but I need to dual boot to that OS, 
> Virtual is better as I can run my Windows98 legacy game in a window and 
> do my Qcad work on Linux in another.
That is one of the things that make using a virtual machine appealing.
The ability to play my windows games while using Kopete and the like in
the background.  When I boot into windows to play games I don't like to
use the internet that much, so I have nothing running.

Your friend,

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