Automount USB device

Kevin O'Brien zwilnik at
Mon Oct 15 18:30:23 UTC 2007

Hoe can I get my Kubuntu Feisty machine to automatically mount a USB MPS
player when I plug it in? I tried to Google the answer, and found that
in Ubuntu it is supposed to happen automatically if you have the default
Gnome desktop, but I could not find any information about doing it in
Kubuntu. And there seems to be a good Help site for Ubuntu, but nothing
comparable for Kubuntu. If there is a site online that has the
information, please let me know. I don't mind reading it for myself, but
so far I can not even find it.

Thank you,

Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
zwilnik at Linux User #333216
The issue isn't whether or not we are the same as the Nazis, the issue
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