[SOLVED] Clarification: Network Reconfiguration Question

7230 yogich7230 at sc2000.net
Sun Oct 14 23:25:54 UTC 2007

Someone asked "how" when I said I solved the problem.  Well, it was a 
misnaming of an interface in one of my scripts.  I thought I had eradicated 
any vestages of the old card's config but I hadn't.  So... from there, I had 
to trace down all instances of that interface being named.  In short, I 
missed one because I had a major brain f___ and didn't know what to look for: 
eth2. :-\ lol

So... like I said... I got it fixed, thanks to all the suggestions --at least 
one of which jogged my memory as to what I was actually looking for.  How 

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