Impressions of Gutsy (Was: First impressions of dolphin)
Derek Broughton
news at
Tue Oct 9 00:48:26 UTC 2007
Steve Lamb wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Steve Lamb wrote:
>>> Bluetooth support would not shut down even though I turned it
>>> off in the runlevels tool. I have to rip it out.
>> Not having ever had a bluetooth device, I've always wondered why I have
>> to have the bluetooth stuff running, but it's _always_ been too difficult
>> to turn it off to be worthwhile.
> Eh, ripping it out worked.
It would - but I did that once and at some later point it got reinstalled,
so I just let it live :-)
> It's hard for something to start up when
> it's not present on the filesystem to call. Though my preference would
> be for there to be a way to reliably turn it off. While I am capable of
> tracking this stuff down and executing it with extreme prejudice many
> other people might not be as capable.
>> While that sounds more like a bad implementation of ACPI on your laptop
>> than
>> a Kubuntu error, it should be easy enough to turn off. Unfortunately I
>> can't tell you where (I don't have the ability on my old laptop) :-)
> It's a power manager system tray app that gets loaded with KDE.
That's not the default power manager. kde-guidance-powermanager (or
something like that) has no cpufreq controls.
>>> I have a sneaking suspicion that there are portions of hal which are
>>> causing issues as well. I tried looking for any place to configure what
>>> parts of hal start up. So far, no pointers at all. I know I don't want
>>> to rip it out so this is distressing.
>> You can't. Without hal you'll be dead in the water.
> Exactly. Not being able to find a quick way to configure it to not do
> something is the distressing part. For example I don't want it wasting
> 800kb watching my CD-ROM drive.
afaik, hal doesn't watch _anything_. udev watches devices change, and it
doesn't take udev 800k to do that for your cd-rom, and acts when they do.
Hal keeps a record of the device database, and dbus passes the information.
I'm pretty confident nothing is spending 800k watching your cd, but in any
case you can't rip out any one part of that. You _can_ turn off the media
notification daemons in KDE - but I rather doubt you can eliminate the
overhead of watching the CD without turning off all USB hotplugging.
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