First impressions of dolphin
Derek Broughton
news at
Mon Oct 8 13:07:07 UTC 2007
Peter Lewis wrote:
> On Monday 08 October 2007 09:53:14 Bernhard Breinbauer wrote:
>> So if you don't like the concept just use konqueror. Both provide the
>> same functionality in different ways.
> Hmm... this is the decision I think I may end up coming to. Either that,
> or else I have to change the way I've got used to managing files. IMO tabs
> for file browsing is one of the best features of konqueror, although yeah,
> the split view is quite nice too. But, I tend to have several tabs open at
> once, so I guess this won't transfer easily.
Yeah, me too. Konqueror with 5 http tabs, a split file manager/sftp tab,
and one or two file manager tabs is pretty much normal.
> I really don't get this idea of removing functionality from software and
> claiming that it improves usability. Surely this is only true if everyone
> uses it in the same way?!? Why isolate people?
I'm sure the idea is that some people want a simpler file manager, but imo
that's easier handled by doing what they tried a release or two ago, where
konqueror started with a simpler view. Of course, that wasn't handled well
and a lot of upgraders suddenly found much reduced functionality!
> BTW, I agree that dolphin looks nice, and I like the panel thing on the
> right, but I don't get why this couldn't have just been implemented into
> konqueror, or else just isolate the file manager part of konqueror much as
> how kmail is with kontact.
Both could be done - the file manager is just another kpart. I imagine it's
even possible to make dolphin the konqueror file manager!
> I'm just worried now though that all the dev time will go into dolphin and
> konqueror as a browser, but konqueror as a file manager will suffer. Of
> course, the parts technology means that some of it will transfer, but it's
> still a worry. konqueror's the best app I've ever used IMO, and this move
> is likely to kill it (or at least turn it into only a browser).
I don't see that as likely. konqueror still has to be the web browser, and
I'd be really surprised if dolphin isn't a kpart, so all functionality
should be available to konqueror.
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